I am a self-taught Web Developer interested in Computer Science in terms of
programming and security. I studied basic programming concepts and OOP in Java!
then moved to JavaScript, and PHP for the web stack.
I have experience in:
- Responsive web design using HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap4.
- Front-End development using Vanilla JavaScript, Object-Oriented
JavaScript, ES6, jQuery, Ajax, TypeScript, and Angular8.
- Version Control with Git, and GitHub.
- Writing procedural PHP, and my SQL.
I am currently working on sharpening my backend skills using OOP with PHP,
and Laravel for the purpose of becoming a Full-Stack Web Developer!
My biggest strengths in this field are troubleshooting & problem-solving, and
continuous self-learning. To conclude, when it comes to programming, THE SKY IS MY
Name: Muhammad Reda Abdelaal
Job Title: | Web Developer
Location: Egypt, Cairo
E-mail: dev.mureda@gmail.com
Freelance: Available
Age: 29 Year
Using latest technologies and frameworks such as Bootstrap4, jQuery, and Angular8.
Using PHP, mySql database, Laravel Framework, and Wordpress CMS.
No matter the platform you are targeting, I design your website to be responsive on PCs, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.
If you don't know what you need, Just CONTACT ME, and email me your idea. I will contact you to discuss everything in details.